Thursday, November 11, 2010

Barbie Basic 1.5 Model 003

Barbie Basic 1.5 Model 003, originally uploaded by alington.

This lovely Barbie Basics doll is from the 1.5 collection, and is Model 003 (Steffie face). She is wearing a J-Doll outfit, and accessories from the Gold Accessory pack (also Barbie Basics line).

I may try to repaint her lips a more neutral tone, at some point--her original outfit was a black taffeta dress with pink trim, which I assume her pink lipstick is supposed to match.

You can see more photos of her on Flickr.


  1. I'm not particularly a fan of lipstick to start with. But if you were to ask, for my humble opinion. I'd say, Don't soften or change the color. And no, I can't tell you why, except that they look, desirable. But also, delicate. Requiring, gentleness. And, care. ~ Ken

  2. Hey...

    Happy to see the basic model of barbie..
    I like that very much...

    Scavenger Hunt


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