First, a set that is terribly tempting to the shoe fetish that reside deep in my sole, is the Christian Louboutin Shoe pack. This Gold Label set retails for $69.95 and includes nine pairs of adorable shoes (replicas of actual shoes from the Louboutin line) and a few shoe boxes. They are so cute. These are due to ship in September 2010.

These aren't quite ready for pre-order yet. From the Barbie Basics line, we've seen photos of the new Barbie Basics Wave 2. I must add Wave 2 #2, as Steffie is a staple in this house. Additionally, I've finally found real promo photos of the Basic 1.5 Shoe Pack Accessory #8, which includes 18 pairs of shoes. CUte! Love the zebra! And more fun clothing, jacket, skirt and purse accessories are included in Basic Look 1.5 Accessory #5 set. Both retail for #22.99.
Photos property of Mattel.